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API integration

Learn how to integrate with Apify using the REST API.

All aspects of the Apify platform can be controlled via a REST API, which is described in detail in the API Reference. If you want to use the Apify API from JavaScript/Node.js or Python, we strongly recommend to use one of our API clients:

You are not required to those packages—the REST API works with any HTTP client—but the official API clients implement best practices such as exponential backoff and rate limiting.

API token

To access the Apify API in your integrations, you need to authenticate using your secret API token. You can find it on the Integrations page in Apify Console. Give your token a reasonable description, and never use one token for several services, much like you shouldn't use the same password for different accounts.

Integrations page in Apify Console


You can authenticate the Apify API in two ways. You can either pass the token via the Authorization HTTP header or the URL token query parameter. We always recommend you use the authentication via the HTTP header as this method is more secure.

IMPORTANT: Do not share the API token with untrusted parties, or use it directly from client-side code, unless you fully understand the consequences!

Note that some API endpoints, such as Get list of keys, do not require an authentication token because they contain a hard-to-guess identifier that effectively serves as an authentication key.

Organization accounts

This information is only relevant to members or owners of organization accounts.

When working under an organization account, you will see two types of API tokens on the Integrations page.

Integrations page in the Apify Console in organizatoin mode

The Personal API tokens are different from your own Personal API tokens mentioned above. If you use this token in an integration, it will have the same permissions that you have within the organization, and all the operations you use it for will be ascribed to you.

On the other hand the Organization API tokens (only visible if you are the owner or have Manage access tokens permission) have full permissions and are not tied to a specific member of the organization.