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Update version



ClientsApify API Python Client ReferenceThe Version object contains the source code of a specific version of an Actor. The sourceType property indicates where the source code is hosted, and based on its value the Version object has the following additional property:


Source code is comprised of multiple files specified in the sourceFiles array. Each item of the array is an object with the following fields:

  • name
  • - File path and name
  • format
  • - Format of the content, can be either "TEXT" or "BASE64"
  • content
  • - File content

Source files can be shown and edited in the Apify Console's Web IDE.


Source code is cloned from a Git repository, whose URL is specified in the gitRepoUrl field.


Source code is downloaded using a tarball or Zip file from a URL specified in the tarballUrl field.


Source code is taken from a GitHub Gist, whose URL is specified in the gitHubGistUrl field.

For more information about source code and Actor versions, see Source code in Actors documentation. Updates Actor version using values specified by a Version object passed as JSON in the POST payload.

If the object does not define a specific property, its value will not be updated.

The request needs to specify the Content-Type: application/json HTTP header!

When providing your API authentication token, we recommend using the request's Authorization header, rather than the URL. (More info).

The response is the Version object as returned by the Get version endpoint.



Response Headers