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Version: 1.3


Apify extends the launch options of Puppeteer. You can use any of the Puppeteer compatible LaunchOptions options in the Apify.launchPuppeteer() function and in addition, all the options available below.



Type: string

URL to a HTTP proxy server. It must define the port number, and it may also contain proxy username and password.



Type: string

The User-Agent HTTP header used by the browser. If not provided, the function sets User-Agent to a reasonable default to reduce the chance of detection of the crawler.


Type: boolean = false

If true and executablePath is not set, Puppeteer will launch full Google Chrome browser available on the machine rather than the bundled Chromium. The path to Chrome executable is taken from the APIFY_CHROME_EXECUTABLE_PATH environment variable if provided, or defaults to the typical Google Chrome executable location specific for the operating system. By default, this option is false.


Type: string | Object

Either a require path (string) to a package to be used instead of default puppeteer, or an already required module (Object). This enables usage of various Puppeteer wrappers such as puppeteer-extra.

Take caution, because it can cause all kinds of unexpected errors and weird behavior. Apify SDK is not tested with any other library besides puppeteer itself.


Type: boolean

This setting hides most of the known properties that identify headless Chrome and makes it nearly undetectable. It is recommended to use it together with the useChrome set to true.


Type: StealthOptions

Using this configuration, you can disable some of the hiding tricks. For these settings to take effect stealth must be set to true