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Webhook actions

Send notifications when specific events occur in your Actor/task run or build. Dynamically add data to the notification payload.

Send HTTP request

To send notification, you can use the HTTP request action, which sends an HTTP POST request to a specified URL with a JSON payload. The payload is defined using a payload template, which is a JSON-like syntax that allows you to include variables enclosed in double curly braces {{variable}}. This enables the dynamic injection of data into the payload when the webhook is triggered.

Webhook delivery

Webhooks are sent from servers that use static IP addresses. If your webhook destination is secured by a firewall, you can add the following IP addresses to your allow list to ensure Apify webhooks are delivered successfully.

IP list

Response management

The response to the POST request must have an HTTP status code in the 2XX range. If the response has a different status code, it is considered an error, and the request will be retried periodically with an exponential back-off:

  • First retry: after approximately 1 minute
  • Second retry: after 2 minutes
  • Third retry: after 4 minutes
  • ...
  • Eleventh retry: after approximately 32 hours

If the request fails after 11 retries, the system stops retrying.

Security considerations

For security reasons, include a secret token in the webhook URL to ensure that only Apify can invoke it. You can use the Test button in the user interface to test your endpoint.

Headers template

You can also use Headers template for this purpose.

Note that webhook HTTP requests have a timeout of 30 seconds. If your endpoint performs a time-consuming operation, respond to the request immediately to prevent timeouts before Apify receives the response. To ensure reliable completion of the time-consuming operation, consider using a message queue internally to retry the operation on internal failure.

In rare cases, the webhook might be invoked more than once. Design your code to be idempotent to handle duplicate calls.

Apify requests: auto-added tokens

If the URL of your request points toward Apify, you don't need to add a token, since it will be added automatically.

Payload template

The payload template is a JSON-like string that allows you to define a custom payload structure and inject dynamic data known only at the time of the webhook's invocation. Apart from the variables, the string must be a valid JSON.

Variables must be enclosed in double curly braces and can only use the pre-defined variables listed in the Available variables section. Using any other variable will result in a validation error.

The syntax of a variable is: {{oneOfAvailableVariables}}. Variables support accessing nested properties using dot notation: {{}}.

Default payload template

"userId": {{userId}},
"createdAt": {{createdAt}},
"eventType": {{eventType}},
"eventData": {{eventData}},
"resource": {{resource}}

Default payload example

"userId": "abf6vtB2nvQZ4nJzo",
"createdAt": "2019-01-09T15:59:56.408Z",
"eventData": {
"actorId": "fW4MyDhgwtMLrB987",
"actorRunId": "uPBN9qaKd2iLs5naZ"
"resource": {
"id": "uPBN9qaKd2iLs5naZ",
"actId": "fW4MyDhgwtMLrB987",
"userId": "abf6vtB2nvQZ4nJzo",
"startedAt": "2019-01-09T15:59:40.750Z",
"finishedAt": "2019-01-09T15:59:56.408Z",
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
// ...

String interpolation

The payload template is not a valid JSON by default, but the resulting payload is. To use templates that provide the same functionality and are valid JSON at the same time, you can use string interpolation.

With string interpolation, the default payload template looks like this:

"userId": "{{userId}}",
"createdAt": "{{createdAt}}",
"eventType": "{{eventType}}",
"eventData": "{{eventData}}",
"resource": "{{resource}}"

If the string being interpolated contains only the variable, the actual variable value is used in the payload. For example "{{eventData}}" results in an object. If the string contains more than just the variable, the string value of the variable will appear in the payload:

{ "text": "My user id is {{userId}}" }
{ "text": "My user id is abf6vtB2nvQZ4nJzo" }

To enable string interpolation, use Interpolate variables in string fields switch within the Apify Console. In JS API Client it's called shouldInterpolateStrings. This field is always true when integrating Actors or tasks.

Payload template example

This example shows how to use payload template variables to send a custom object that displays the status of a run, its ID and a custom property:

"runId": {{}},
"runStatus": {{resource.status}},
"myProp": "hello world"

Note that the eventData and resource properties contain redundant data for backward compatibility. You can use either eventData or resource in your templates, depending on your use case.

Headers template

The headers template is a JSON-like string where you can add additional information to the default header of the webhook request. You can pass the variables in the same way as in payload template (including the use of string interpolation and available variables). The resulting headers need to be a valid json object and values can be strings only.

Note that the following keys are hard-coded and will be always be rewritten:

hostrequest url
X-Apify-WebhookApify value
X-Apify-Webhook-Dispatch-IdApify id
X-Apify-Request-OriginApify origin


The description is an optional string that you can add to the webhook. It serves for your information and is not sent with the HTTP request when the webhook is dispatched.

Available variables

userIdstringID of the user who owns the webhook.
createdAtstringISO string date of the webhook's trigger event.
eventTypestringType of the trigger event, see Events.
eventDataObjectData associated with the trigger event, see Events.
resourceObjectThe resource that caused the trigger event.
globalsObjectData available in global context. Contains dateISO (date of webhook's trigger event in ISO 8601 format) and dateUnix (date of trigger event in Unix time in seconds)


The resource variable represents the triggering system resource. For example, when using the ACTOR.RUN.SUCCEEDED event, the resource is the Actor run. The variable will be replaced by the Object that you would receive as a response from the relevant API at the moment when the webhook is triggered. For the Actor run resource, it would be the response of the Get Actor run API endpoint.

In addition to Actor runs, webhooks also support various events related to Actor builds. In such cases, the resource object will look like the response of the Get Actor build API endpoint.