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Version: 3.3

Apify SDK supports TypeScript by covering public APIs with type declarations. This allows writing code with auto-completion for TypeScript and JavaScript code alike. Besides that, actors written in TypeScript can take advantage of compile-time type-checking and avoid many coding mistakes, while providing documentation for functions, parameters and return values.

Setting up a TypeScript project

To use TypeScript in your actors, you'll need the following prerequisites.

  1. TypeScript compiler tsc installed somewhere:

    npm install --dev typescript

    TypeScript can be a development dependency in your project, as shown above. There's no need to pollute your production environment or your system's global repository with TypeScript.

  2. A build script invoking tsc and a correctly specified main entry point defined in your package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc -p tsconfig.json"
    "main": "build/main.js"
  3. Type declarations for NodeJS, so you can take advantage of type-checking in all the features you'll use:

    npm install --dev @types/node
  4. TypeScript configuration file allowing tsc to understand your project layout and the features used in your project:

    "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es2019",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "strict": true,
    "noImplicitAny": false,
    "strictNullChecks": false,
    "lib": [
    "rootDir": "src/",
    "outDir": "build/"
    "include": [

    Place the content above inside a tsconfig.json in your root folder.

    Also, if you are a VSCode user that is using JavaScript, create a jsconfig.json with the same content, adding "checkJs": true to "compilerOptions", so you can enjoy using the types in your .js source files.


IDE auto-completion should work in most places. That's true even if you are writting actors in pure JavaScript. For time constraints, we left out the amendment of an internal API for the time being, and these need to be added as the SDK developers write new and enhance old code.

SDK Documentation

SDK documentation has grown a lot. There is a new API Reference section Type definitions that holds documentation for all constructible types, function parameters and return types, in the Apify SDK.


As of version 1.0+, the generated typings, due to JSDoc limitations, have some properties and parameters annotated with any type, therefore the settings noImplicitAny and strictNullChecks, set to true, may not be advised. You may try enabling them, but it might hinder development because of the need for typecasts to be able to compile, your mileage may vary.

Besides the implicit any errors that might occur in the code when writing in TypeScript, the current typings doesn't offer generics that make outputs type-safe, so you need to declare your types, as such:

interface MySchema {
expectedParam1?: string;
expectedParam2?: number;

const input: MySchema = (await Actor.getInput()) as any; // getInput returns Promise<Object<string, *>|string|Buffer|null> here

if (!input?.expectedParam1) { // input is MySchema now and you can check in a type-safe way
throw new Error('Missing expectedParam1');

There are also other places where you need to explicitly provide your interface / type, like in Dataset iterators (map, reduce, forEach):

interface ExpectedShape {
id: string;
someFields: Fields[];

const dataset = await Actor.openDataset();
await dataset.forEach((item: ExpectedShape) => {
// deal with / item.someFields
// otherwise item is "any"