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Version: 3.3

Crawl a website with relative links

When crawling a website, you may encounter different types of links present that you may want to crawl. To facilitate the easy crawling of such links, we provide the enqueueLinks() method on the crawler context, which will automatically find links and add them to the crawler's RequestQueue.

We provide 3 different strategies for crawling relative links:

  • All which will enqueue all links found, regardless of the domain they point to.
  • SameHostname which will enqueue all links found for the same hostname (regardless of any subdomains present).
  • SameSubdomain which will enqueue all links found that have the same subdomain and hostname. This is the default strategy.

For these examples, we are using the CheerioCrawler, however the same method is available for both the PuppeteerCrawler and PlaywrightCrawler, and you use it the exact same way.


This is the default strategy when calling enqueueLinks(), so you don't have to specify it.

Example domains

For a url of, enqueueLinks() will only match relative urls or urls that point to the same full domain.

For instance, hyperlinks like, /absolute/example or ./relative/example will all be matched by this strategy, while or will not.

Run on
import { Actor } from 'apify';
import { CheerioCrawler, EnqueueStrategy } from 'crawlee';

await Actor.init();

const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
maxRequestsPerCrawl: 10, // Limitation for only 10 requests (do not use if you want to crawl all links)
async requestHandler({ request, enqueueLinks }) {
await enqueueLinks({
// Setting the strategy to 'same-subdomain' will enqueue all links found that are on the same subdomain and hostname
// as request.loadedUrl or request.url
strategy: EnqueueStrategy.SameHostname,
// Alternatively, you can pass in the string 'same-subdomain'
// strategy: 'same-subdomain',

// Run the crawler

await Actor.exit();