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Version: 2.3




Type: CheerioHandlePage

User-provided function that performs the logic of the crawler. It is called for each page loaded and parsed by the crawler.

The function receives the following object as an argument:

// The Cheerio object's function with the parsed HTML.
$: Cheerio,

// The request body of the web page, whose type depends on the content type.
body: String|Buffer,

// The parsed object from JSON for responses with the "application/json" content types.
// For other content types it's null.
json: Object,

// Apify.Request object with details of the requested web page
request: Request,

// Parsed Content-Type HTTP header: { type, encoding }
contentType: Object,

// An instance of Node's http.IncomingMessage object,
response: Object,

// Session object, useful to work around anti-scraping protections
session: Session

// ProxyInfo object with information about currently used proxy
proxyInfo: ProxyInfo

// The running cheerio crawler instance.
crawler: CheerioCrawler

Type of body depends on the Content-Type header of the web page:

  • String for text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml MIME content types
  • Buffer for others MIME content types

Parsed Content-Type header using content-type package is stored in contentType.

Cheerio is available only for HTML and XML content types.

With the Request object representing the URL to crawl.

If the function returns, the returned promise is awaited by the crawler.

If the function throws an exception, the crawler will try to re-crawl the request later, up to option.maxRequestRetries times. If all the retries fail, the crawler calls the function provided to the handleFailedRequestFunction parameter. To make this work, you should always let your function throw exceptions rather than catch them. The exceptions are logged to the request using the Request.pushErrorMessage() function.


Type: RequestList

Static list of URLs to be processed. Either requestList or requestQueue option must be provided (or both).


Type: RequestQueue

Dynamic queue of URLs to be processed. This is useful for recursive crawling of websites. Either requestList or requestQueue option must be provided (or both).


Type: PrepareRequest

This option is deprecated, use preNavigationHooks instead.

A function that executes before the HTTP request is made to the target resource. This function is suitable for setting dynamic properties such as cookies to the Request.

The function receives the following object as an argument:

request: Request,
session: Session,
proxyInfo: ProxyInfo,
crawler: CheerioCrawler,

where the Request instance corresponds to the initialized request and the Session instance corresponds to used session.

The function should modify the properties of the passed Request instance in place because there are already earlier references to it. Making a copy and returning it from this function is therefore not supported, because it would create inconsistencies where different parts of SDK would have access to a different Request instance.


Type: PostResponse

This option is deprecated, use postNavigationHooks instead.

A function that executes right after the HTTP request is made to the target resource and response is returned. This function is suitable for overriding custom properties of response e.g. setting headers because of response parsing.

Example usage:

const cheerioCrawlerOptions = {
// ...
postResponseFunction: ({ request, response }) => {
if (request.userData.parseAsJSON) {
response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';

The function receives the following object as an argument:

response: Object,
request: Request,
session: Session,
proxyInfo: ProxyInfo,
crawler: CheerioCrawler,

The response is an instance of Node's http.IncomingMessage object.


Type: number = 60

Timeout in which the function passed as handlePageFunction needs to finish, given in seconds.


Type: number = 30

Timeout in which the HTTP request to the resource needs to finish, given in seconds.


Type: boolean = true

If set to true, SSL certificate errors will be ignored.


Type: ProxyConfiguration

If set, CheerioCrawler will be configured for all connections to use Apify Proxy or your own Proxy URLs provided and rotated according to the configuration. For more information, see the documentation.


Type: HandleFailedRequest

A function to handle requests that failed more than option.maxRequestRetries times. The function receives the following object as an argument:

error: Error,
request: Request,
session: Session,
$: Cheerio,
body: String|Buffer,
json: Object,
contentType: Object,
response: Object,
proxyInfo: ProxyInfo,
crawler: CheerioCrawler,

where the Request instance corresponds to the failed request, and the Error instance represents the last error thrown during processing of the request.

See source code for the default implementation of this function.


Type: Array<Hook>

Async functions that are sequentially evaluated before the navigation. Good for setting additional cookies or browser properties before navigation. The function accepts two parameters, crawlingContext and requestAsBrowserOptions, which are passed to the requestAsBrowser() function the crawler calls to navigate. Example:

preNavigationHooks: [
async (crawlingContext, requestAsBrowserOptions) => {
requestAsBrowserOptions.forceUrlEncoding = true;


Type: Array<Hook>

Async functions that are sequentially evaluated after the navigation. Good for checking if the navigation was successful. The function accepts crawlingContext as the only parameter. Example:

postNavigationHooks: [
async (crawlingContext) => {
// ...


Type: Array<string>

An array of MIME types you want the crawler to load and process. By default, only text/html and application/xhtml+xml MIME types are supported.


Type: string

By default CheerioCrawler will extract correct encoding from the HTTP response headers. Sadly, there are some websites which use invalid headers. Those are encoded using the UTF-8 encoding. If those sites actually use a different encoding, the response will be corrupted. You can use suggestResponseEncoding to fall back to a certain encoding, if you know that your target website uses it. To force a certain encoding, disregarding the response headers, use CheerioCrawlerOptions.forceResponseEncoding

// Will fall back to windows-1250 encoding if none found
suggestResponseEncoding: 'windows-1250'


Type: string

By default CheerioCrawler will extract correct encoding from the HTTP response headers. Use forceResponseEncoding to force a certain encoding, disregarding the response headers. To only provide a default for missing encodings, use CheerioCrawlerOptions.suggestResponseEncoding

// Will force windows-1250 encoding even if headers say otherwise
forceResponseEncoding: 'windows-1250'


Type: number = 3

Indicates how many times the request is retried if either requestFunction or handlePageFunction fails.


Type: number

Maximum number of pages that the crawler will open. The crawl will stop when this limit is reached. Always set this value in order to prevent infinite loops in misconfigured crawlers. Note that in cases of parallel crawling, the actual number of pages visited might be slightly higher than this value.


Type: AutoscaledPoolOptions

Custom options passed to the underlying AutoscaledPool constructor. Note that the runTaskFunction, isTaskReadyFunction and isFinishedFunction options are provided by CheerioCrawler and cannot be overridden. Reasonable Snapshotter and SystemStatus defaults are provided to account for the fact that cheerio parses HTML synchronously and therefore blocks the event loop.


Type: number = 1

Sets the minimum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl. Shortcut to the corresponding AutoscaledPool option.

WARNING: If you set this value too high with respect to the available system memory and CPU, your crawler will run extremely slow or crash. If you're not sure, just keep the default value and the concurrency will scale up automatically.


Type: number = 1000

Sets the maximum concurrency (parallelism) for the crawl. Shortcut to the corresponding AutoscaledPool option.


Type: boolean = true

If set to true Crawler will automatically use Session Pool. It will automatically retire sessions on 403, 401 and 429 status codes. It also marks Session as bad after a request timeout.


Type: SessionPoolOptions

Custom options passed to the underlying SessionPool constructor.


Type: boolean

Automatically saves cookies to Session. Works only if Session Pool is used.

It parses cookie from response "set-cookie" header saves or updates cookies for session and once the session is used for next request. It passes the "Cookie" header to the request with the session cookies.