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Version: 2.3


The Dataset class represents a store for structured data where each object stored has the same attributes, such as online store products or real estate offers. You can imagine it as a table, where each object is a row and its attributes are columns. Dataset is an append-only storage - you can only add new records to it but you cannot modify or remove existing records. Typically it is used to store crawling results.

Do not instantiate this class directly, use the Apify.openDataset() function instead.

Dataset stores its data either on local disk or in the Apify cloud, depending on whether the APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR or APIFY_TOKEN environment variables are set.

If the APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR environment variable is set, the data is stored in the local directory in the following files:


Note that {DATASET_ID} is the name or ID of the dataset. The default dataset has ID: default, unless you override it by setting the APIFY_DEFAULT_DATASET_ID environment variable. Each dataset item is stored as a separate JSON file, where {INDEX} is a zero-based index of the item in the dataset.

If the APIFY_TOKEN environment variable is set but APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR not, the data is stored in the Apify Dataset cloud storage. Note that you can force usage of the cloud storage also by passing the forceCloud option to Apify.openDataset() function, even if the APIFY_LOCAL_STORAGE_DIR variable is set.

Example usage:

// Write a single row to the default dataset
await Apify.pushData({ col1: 123, col2: 'val2' });

// Open a named dataset
const dataset = await Apify.openDataset('some-name');

// Write a single row
await dataset.pushData({ foo: 'bar' });

// Write multiple rows
await dataset.pushData([{ foo: 'bar2', col2: 'val2' }, { col3: 123 }]);


Stores an object or an array of objects to the dataset. The function returns a promise that resolves when the operation finishes. It has no result, but throws on invalid args or other errors.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to use the await keyword when calling pushData(), otherwise the actor process might finish before the data is stored!

The size of the data is limited by the receiving API and therefore pushData() will only allow objects whose JSON representation is smaller than 9MB. When an array is passed, none of the included objects may be larger than 9MB, but the array itself may be of any size.

The function internally chunks the array into separate items and pushes them sequentially. The chunking process is stable (keeps order of data), but it does not provide a transaction safety mechanism. Therefore, in the event of an uploading error (after several automatic retries), the function's Promise will reject and the dataset will be left in a state where some of the items have already been saved to the dataset while other items from the source array were not. To overcome this limitation, the developer may, for example, read the last item saved in the dataset and re-attempt the save of the data from this item onwards to prevent duplicates.


  • data: object | Array<object> - Object or array of objects containing data to be stored in the default dataset. The objects must be serializable to JSON and the JSON representation of each object must be smaller than 9MB.




Returns DatasetContent object holding the items in the dataset based on the provided parameters.

If you need to get data in an unparsed format, use the Apify.newClient() function to get a new apify-client instance and call datasetClient.downloadItems()


  • [options]: Object - All getData() parameters are passed via an options object with the following keys:
    • [offset]: number = 0 - Number of array elements that should be skipped at the start.
    • [limit]: number = 250000 - Maximum number of array elements to return.
    • [desc]: boolean = false - If true then the objects are sorted by createdAt in descending order. Otherwise they are sorted in ascending order.
    • [fields]: Array<string> - An array of field names that will be included in the result. If omitted, all fields are included in the results.
    • [unwind]: string - Specifies a name of the field in the result objects that will be used to unwind the resulting objects. By default, the results are returned as they are.
    • [clean]: boolean = false - If true then the function returns only non-empty items and skips hidden fields (i.e. fields starting with # character). Note that the clean parameter is a shortcut for skipHidden: true and skipEmpty: true options.
    • [skipHidden]: boolean = false - If true then the function doesn't return hidden fields (fields starting with "#" character).
    • [skipEmpty]: boolean = false - If true then the function doesn't return empty items. Note that in this case the returned number of items might be lower than limit parameter and pagination must be done using the limit value.




Returns an object containing general information about the dataset.

The function returns the same object as the Apify API Client's datasetClient.get function, which in turn calls the Get dataset API endpoint.


id: "WkzbQMuFYuamGv3YF",
name: "my-dataset",
userId: "wRsJZtadYvn4mBZmm",
createdAt: new Date("2015-12-12T07:34:14.202Z"),
modifiedAt: new Date("2015-12-13T08:36:13.202Z"),
accessedAt: new Date("2015-12-14T08:36:13.202Z"),
itemCount: 14,
cleanItemCount: 10



dataset.forEach(iteratee, [options], [index])

Iterates over dataset items, yielding each in turn to an iteratee function. Each invocation of iteratee is called with two arguments: (item, index).

If the iteratee function returns a Promise then it is awaited before the next call. If it throws an error, the iteration is aborted and the forEach function throws the error.

Example usage

const dataset = await Apify.openDataset('my-results');
await dataset.forEach(async (item, index) => {
console.log(`Item at ${index}: ${JSON.stringify(item)}`);


  • iteratee: DatasetConsumer - A function that is called for every item in the dataset.
  • [options]: Object - All forEach() parameters are passed via an options object with the following keys:
    • [desc]: boolean = false - If true then the objects are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
    • [fields]: Array<string> - If provided then returned objects will only contain specified keys.
    • [unwind]: string - If provided then objects will be unwound based on provided field.
  • [index]: number = 0 - Specifies the initial index number passed to the iteratee function.


Promise<void>, [options])

Produces a new array of values by mapping each value in list through a transformation function iteratee(). Each invocation of iteratee() is called with two arguments: (element, index).

If iteratee returns a Promise then it's awaited before a next call.


  • iteratee: DatasetMapper
  • [options]: Object - All map() parameters are passed via an options object with the following keys:
    • [desc]: boolean = false - If true then the objects are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
    • [fields]: Array<string> - If provided then returned objects will only contain specified keys
    • [unwind]: string - If provided then objects will be unwound based on provided field.



dataset.reduce(iteratee, memo, [options])

Reduces a list of values down to a single value.

Memo is the initial state of the reduction, and each successive step of it should be returned by iteratee(). The iteratee() is passed three arguments: the memo, then the value and index of the iteration.

If no memo is passed to the initial invocation of reduce, the iteratee() is not invoked on the first element of the list. The first element is instead passed as the memo in the invocation of the iteratee() on the next element in the list.

If iteratee() returns a Promise then it's awaited before a next call.


  • iteratee: DatasetReducer
  • memo: object - Initial state of the reduction.
  • [options]: Object - All reduce() parameters are passed via an options object with the following keys:
    • [desc]: boolean = false - If true then the objects are sorted by createdAt in descending order.
    • [fields]: Array<string> - If provided then returned objects will only contain specified keys
    • [unwind]: string - If provided then objects will be unwound based on provided field.




Removes the dataset either from the Apify cloud storage or from the local directory, depending on the mode of operation.

