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Langflow integration

Learn how to integrate Apify with Langflow to run complex AI agent workflows.

What is Langflow

Langflow is a low-code, visual tool that enables developers to build powerful AI agents and workflows that can use any API, models, or databases.

Explore Langflow

For more information on Langflow, visit its documentation.

How to use Apify with Langflow

This guide will demonstrate two different ways to use Apify Actors with Langflow:

  • Calling Apify Actors in Langflow: We will use the RAG Web Browser Actor to search Google for a query and extract the search results.
  • Building a flow to search for a company's social media profiles: We will use the Google Search Results Scraper Actor to search the web for social media profiles of a given company. Then, we will use the TikTok Data Extractor Actor to extract data from the TikTok profiles.


  • Apify API token: To use Apify Actors in Langflow, you need an Apify API token. If you don't have one, you can learn how to obtain it in the Apify documentation.

  • OpenAI API key: In order to work with agents in Langflow, you need an OpenAI API key. If you don't have one, you can get it from the OpenAI platform.


Cloud vs local setup

Langflow can either be installed locally or used in the cloud. The cloud version is available on the Langflow website. If you are using the cloud version, you can skip the installation step, and go straight to Creating a new flow

First, we need to install the Langflow platform using python package and project manager uv:

uv pip install langflow

After successfully installing Langflow, we can start the platform:

uv run langflow run

When the platform is started, open the Langflow UI using in your browser.

Other installation methods can be found in the Langflow documentation.

Creating a new flow

On the Langflow welcome screen, click the New Flow button and then create Blank Flow: New Flow screen - Blank Flow

Now, we can start building our flow.

Calling Apify Actors in Langflow

To call Apify Actors in Langflow, we need to add the Apify Actors component to the flow. From the bundle menu, add Apify Actors component: Flow - Add Apify Actors

Next, we need to configure the Apify Actors components. First, input your API token (learn how to get it here). Then, set the Actor ID of the component to apify/rag-web-browser to use the RAG Web Browser. Set the Run input field to pass arguments to the Actor run, allowing it to search Google with the query "what is monero?" (full Actor input schema can be found here):

{"query": "what is monero?", "maxResults": 3}

Now, we can run the component by clicking the Run button. Flow - Apify Actors Run

Once the run is finished, we can view the output by clicking the Output button. Flow - Apify Actors Output

The output should look similar to this: Flow - Apify Actors Output Data

To filter only the metadata and markdown fields, set Output fields to metadata,markdown. Additionally, enable Flatten output by setting it to true. This will output only the metadata and text content from the search results.

Flattening is necessary when you need to access nested dictionary fields in the output data object; they cannot be accessed directly otherwise in the Data object.

Flow - Apify Actors Output Filter

When you run the component again, the output contains only the markdown and flattened metadata fields:

Flow - Apify Actors Output Filtered

Now that we understand how to call Apify Actors, let's build a practical example where we search for a company's social media profiles and extract data from them.

Building a flow to search for a company's social media profiles

Create a new flow and add two Apify Actors components from the menu.

Input your API token (learn how to get it here) and set the Actor ID of the first component to apify/google-search-scraper and the second one to clockworks/free-tiktok-scraper: Flow - Actors configuration

Add the Agent component from the menu and set your OpenAI API key (get it here):

Optimize Agent results

For better results, switch the model to gpt-4o instead of gpt-4o-mini in the Agent configuration

Flow - Agent configuration

To be able to interact with the agent, add Chat Input and Chat Output components from the menu and connect them to the Agent component Input and Response. Then connect both Apify Actor components Tool outputs to the Agent component Tools input so that the agent can call the Apify Actors. The final flow that can search the web for a company's social media profiles and extract data from them should look like this: Flow - Final

Click the Playground button and chat with the agent to test the flow: Flow - Playground

Here is an example agent output for the following query:

find tiktok profile of company openai using google search and then show me the profile bio and their latest video

Flow - agent output