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System events

Learn about system events sent to your Actor and how to benefit from them.

The system notifies Actors about various events such as a migration to another server, abort operation triggered by another Actor, or the CPU being overloaded.

Currently, the system sends the following events:

Event namePayloadDescription
cpuInfo{ isCpuOverloaded: Boolean }The event is emitted approximately every second and it indicates whether the Actor is using the maximum of available CPU resources. If that's the case, the Actor should not add more workload. For example, this event is used by the AutoscaledPool class.
migratingN/AEmitted when the Actor running on the Apify platform is going to be migrated to another worker server soon. You can use it to persist the state of the Actor and abort the run, to speed up migration. For example, this is used by the RequestList class.
abortingN/AWhen a user aborts an Actor run on the Apify platform, they can choose to abort gracefully to allow the Actor some time before getting killed. This graceful abort emits the aborting event which the SDK uses to gracefully stop running crawls and you can use it to do your own cleanup as well.
persistState{ isMigrating: Boolean }Emitted in regular intervals (by default 60 seconds) to notify all components of the Apify SDK that it is time to persist their state in order to avoid repeating all work when the Actor restarts. This event is automatically emitted together with the migrating event, in which case the isMigrating flag is set to true. Otherwise, the flag is false. Note that the persistState event is provided merely for user convenience. You can achieve the same effect using setInterval() and listening for the migrating event.

Under the hood, Actors receive system events by connecting to a web socket address specified by the ACTOR_EVENTS_WEBSOCKET_URL environment variable. The system sends messages in JSON format in the following structure:

// Event name
name: String,

// Time when the event was created, in ISO format
createdAt: String,

// Optional object with payload
data: Object,

Note that some events (e.g. persistState) are not sent by the system via the web socket, but generated virtually on the Actor SDK level.

import { Actor } from 'apify';

await Actor.init();

// Add event handler
Actor.on('cpuInfo', (data) => {
if (data.isCpuOverloaded) console.log('Oh no, we need to slow down!');

// Remove all handlers for a specific event'systemInfo');

// Remove a specific event handler'systemInfo', handler);

await Actor.exit();