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Output schema

Output schema is designed to help Actor developers present the results to users in an attractive and comprehensive output UI.

It is recommended to show the most important fields in a curated Overview visualization configured using output schema specification, while all available fields are automatically available in the "All fields" view.

In the future, output schema will also help with strict output data format validation, which will make integrations more solid and easier to set up.

Specification version 1

An Actor's output schema defines the structure and both API and visual representation of data produced by an Actor. Output configuration files have to be located in the .actor folder in the Actor's root directory.

How to organize files in the .actor folder: Two options

A) all config options are being set in a .actor/actor.json file, e.g.:

// file: .actor/actor.json
"actorSpecification": 1,
"name": "this-is-book-library-scraper",
"title": "Book Library scraper",
"version": "1.0.0",
"storages": {
"dataset": {
"actorSpecification": 1,
"fields": {},
"views": {
"overview": {
"title": "Overview",
"transformation": {},
"display": {}

B) .actor/actor.json links to other sub-config files in the same folder, e.g.:

// file: .actor/actor.json
"actorSpecification": 1,
"name": "this-is-book-library-scraper",
"title": "Book Library scraper",
"version": "1.0.0",
"storages": {
"dataset": "./dataset_schema.json"
// file: .actor/dataset_schema.json
"actorSpecification": 1,
"fields": {},
"views": {
"overview": {
"title": "Overview",
"transformation": {},
"display": {}

Both options are valid. The user can choose based on their own needs.

Basic Template

Imagine there is an Actor that calls Actor.pushData() to store data into dataset e.g.

// file: main.js
import { Actor } from 'apify';
// Initialize the JavaScript SDK
await Actor.init();

* Actor code
await Actor.pushData({
___EXAMPLE_TEXT_FIELD___: 'Google',
___EXAMPLE_DATE_FIELD___: new Date(),
___EXAMPLE_ARRAY_FIELD___: ['#hello', '#world'],

// Exit successfully
await Actor.exit();

Let's say we are going to use a single file to set up an Actor's output tab UI. The following template can be used as a .actor/actor.json configuration.

// file: .actor/actor.json
"actorSpecification": 1,
"name": "___ENTER_ACTOR_NAME____",
"title": "___ENTER_ACTOR_TITLE____",
"version": "1.0.0",
"storages": {
"dataset": {
"actorSpecification": 1,
"views": {
"overview": {
"title": "Overview",
"transformation": {
"fields": [
"display": {
"component": "table",
"properties": {
"label": "Image",
"format": "image"
"label": "Link",
"format": "link"
"label": "Text",
"format": "text"
"label": "Boolean",
"format": "boolean"
"label": "Array",
"format": "array"
"label": "Object",
"format": "object"
"label": "Date",
"format": "date"
"label": "Number",
"format": "number"

The template above defines the configuration for the default dataset output view. Under the views property, there is one view with the title Overview. The view configuration consists of two basic steps: 1) set up how to fetch the data, aka transformation, and 2) set up how to display the data fetched in step 1). The default behaviour is that the Output tab UI table will display all the fields from transformation.fields in that same order. Theoretically, there should be no need to set up at all. However, it can be customized in case it is visually worth setting up some specific display format or column labels. The customization is carried out by using one of the transformation.fields names inside and overriding either the label or the format, as demonstrated in the basic template above.

A 2-step configuration (transform & display) was implemented to provide a way to fetch data in the format presented in both API and UI consistently. Consistency between API data and UI data is crucial for Actor end-users for them to experience the same results in both API and UI. Thus for the best end-user experience, we recommend overriding as few display properties as possible.

Example of an Actor output UI generated using basic template: Output tab UI

Example with inline comments

// file: .actor/actor.json
"actorSpecification": 1, // mandatory
"name": "this-is-book-library-scraper", // mandatory, unique name of an Actor
"title": "Book Library scraper", // mandatory, the human readable name of an Actor
"version": "1.0.0", // mandatory
"storages": { // mandatory
"dataset": { // mandatory
"actorSpecification": 1, // mandatory
"fields": {}, // mandatory, but it can be an empty object for now
"views": { // mandatory
"overview": { // mandatory, but it does not have to be "overview", one can choose any name, multiple views are possible within views object
"title": "Overview", // mandatory, one can choose any other title
"transformation": { // mandatory
"fields": [ // mandatory, fields property supports basic JSONPath selectors
"isbn", // important, an order of fields in this array matches the order of columns in visualisation UI
"flatten": [ // optional, flattened objects are easily available for as keys
"display": { // mandatory
"component": "table", // mandatory
"properties": { // mandatory
"isbn": { // optional, use transformation.fields values there as keys
"label": "ISBN", // optional, define "label" only in case you would like to overide the basic field name capitalisation in table UI
// "format": "text" // optional, "text" format is default, use only in case you would like to overide the default format settings
"picture": {
"label": "Cover",
"format": "image" // optional, in this case the format is overriden to show "image" instead of image link "text". "image" format only works with .jpeg, .png or other image format urls.
// "title": { // does not have to be specified, default behaviour will show the field correctly
// "label": "Title",
// "format": "text"
// },
"buyOnlineUrl": {
"label": "URL",
"format": "link"
// "author": {
// "label": "Author",
// "format": "text"
// },
"longBookDescription": {
"label": "Description"
"anObjectWithDeepStructure.pageCount": { // use "." for sub-keys of flattened objects
"label": "# pages",
"format": "number"
"anObjectWithDeepStructure.isRead": {
"label": "Have been read?",
"format": "boolean"
"anObjectWithDeepStructure.lastReadTime": {
"label": "Last read time",
"format": "date"
"anObjectExample": {
"label": "Some Object"
"anArrayExample": {
"label": "Some Array"

Nested structures

The most frequently used data formats present the data in a tabular format (Output tab table, Excel, CSV). In case an Actor produces nested JSON structures, there is a need to transform the nested data into a flat tabular format. You can flatten the data in following ways:

1) use transformation.flatten to flatten the nested structure of specified fields. Flatten transforms the nested object into a flat structure. e.g. with flatten:["foo"], the object {"foo": {"bar": "hello"}} is turned into {"": "hello"}. Once the structure is flattened, it is necessary to use the flattened property name in both transformation.fields and, otherwise, fields might not be fetched or configured properly in the UI visualization.

2) use transformation.unwind to deconstruct the nested children into parent objects.

3) change the output structure in an Actor from nested to flat before the results are saved in the dataset.

Dataset schema structure definitions

DatasetSchema object definition

actorSpecificationintegertrueSpecifies the version of dataset schema
structure document.
Currently only version 1 is available.
fieldsJSONSchema compatible objecttrueSchema of one dataset object.
Use JsonSchema Draft 2020–12 or
other compatible formats.
viewsDatasetView objecttrueAn object with a description of an API
and UI views.

DatasetView object definition

titlestringtrueThe title is visible in UI in the Output tab
as well as in the API.
descriptionstringfalseThe description is only available in the API response.
The usage of this field is optional.
transformationViewTransformation objecttrueThe definition of data transformation
is applied when dataset data are loaded from
Dataset API.
displayViewDisplay objecttrueThe definition of Output tab UI visualization.

ViewTransformation object definition

fieldsstring[]trueSelects fields that are going to be presented in the output.
The order of fields matches the order of columns
in visualization UI. In case the fields value
is missing, it will be presented as "undefined" in the UI.
unwindstringfalseDeconstructs nested children into parent object,
e.g.: with unwind:["foo"], the object {"foo": {"bar": "hello"}}
is turned into {"bar": "hello"}.
flattenstring[]falseTransforms nested object into flat structure.
eg: with flatten:["foo"] the object {"foo":{"bar": "hello"}}
is turned into {"": "hello"}.
omitstringfalseRemoves the specified fields from the output.
Nested fields names can be used there as well.
limitintegerfalseThe maximum number of results returned.
Default is all results.
descbooleanfalseBy default, results are sorted in ascending based
on the write event into the dataset. desc:true param
will return the newest writes to the dataset first.

ViewDisplay object definition

componentstringtrueOnly component "table" is available.
propertiesObjectfalseObject with keys matching the transformation.fields
and ViewDisplayProperty as values. In case properties are not set
the table will be rendered automatically with fields formatted as Strings,
Arrays or Objects.

ViewDisplayProperty object definition

labelstringfalseIn case the data are visualized as in Table view.
The label will be visible table column's header.
formatenum(text, number, date, link,
boolean, image, array, object)
falseDescribes how output data values are formatted
in order to be rendered in the output tab UI.