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Actor input schema specification

Learn how to define and validate a schema for your Actor's input with code examples. Provide an autogenerated input UI for your Actor's users.

The input schema serves two primary purposes for an Actor:

  • It defines the structure and validation rules for the input data the Actor accepts.
  • It determines the user interface components rendered in the Apify Console for configuring the Actor's input.

By defining an input schema, you can provide a user-friendly interface for configuring your Actor while ensuring that the input data supplied by users adheres to the specified requirements and constraints.

You can specify input schema for an Actor in multiple ways:

  • One approach embeds it as an object within the .actor/actor.json file under the input field or provide a path to a JSON file containing the input schema in the same input field.
  • If you omit the input field and the .actor/actor.json file, the system will look for an INPUT_SCHEMA.json file in the .actor directory.
  • In the absence of that file, it will search for an INPUT_SCHEMA.json file in the Actor's root directory.

The max allowed size for the input schema file is 100 kB. When you provide an input schema, the system will validate the input data passed to the Actor during execution (via the API or the Apify Console) against the specified schema to ensure compliance before starting the Actor.

Validation aid

You can also use our visual input schema editor to guide you through the creation of the INPUT_SCHEMA.json file. If you need to validate your input schemas, you can use the apify vis command in the Apify CLI.


Imagine a simple web crawler that accepts an array of start URLs and a JavaScript function to execute on each visited page. The input schema for such a crawler could be defined as follows:

"title": "Cheerio Crawler input",
"description": "To update crawler to another site, you need to change startUrls and pageFunction options!",
"type": "object",
"schemaVersion": 1,
"properties": {
"startUrls": {
"title": "Start URLs",
"type": "array",
"description": "URLs to start with",
"prefill": [
{ "url": "" },
{ "url": "" }
"editor": "requestListSources"
"pageFunction": {
"title": "Page function",
"type": "string",
"description": "Function executed for each request",
"prefill": "async () => { return $('title').text(); }",
"editor": "javascript"
"required": ["startUrls", "pageFunction"]

The generated input UI will be:

Apify Actor input schema example

If you switch the input to the JSON display using the toggle, then you will see the entered input stringified to JSON, as it will be passed to the Actor:

"startUrls": [
"url": ""
"url": ""
"pageFunction": "async () => { return $('title').text(); }"


"title": "Cheerio Crawler input",
"type": "object",
"schemaVersion": 1,
"properties": { /* define input fields here */ },
"required": []
titleStringYesAny text describing your input schema.
descriptionStringNoHelp text for the input that will be
displayed above the UI fields.
typeStringYesThis is fixed and must be set
to string object.
schemaVersionIntegerYesThe version of the input schema
specification against which
your schema is written.
Currently, only version 1 is out.
propertiesObjectYesThis is an object mapping each field key
to its specification.
requiredStringNoAn array of field keys that are required.
Input schema differences

Even though the structure of the Actor input schema is similar to JSON schema, there are some differences. We cannot guarantee that JSON schema tooling will work on input schema documents. For a more precise technical understanding of the matter, feel free to browse the code of the @apify/input_schema package.


Each field of your input is described under its key in the object. The field might have integer, string, array, object, or boolean type, and its specification contains the following properties:

typeOne of
  • string
  • array
  • object
  • boolean
  • integer
YesAllowed type for the input value.
Cannot be mixed.
titleStringYesTitle of the field in UI.
descriptionStringYesDescription of the field that will be
displayed as help text in Actor input UI.
defaultMust match type property.NoDefault value that will be
used when no value is provided.
prefillMust match type property.NoValue that will be prefilled
in the Actor input interface.
Only the boolean type doesn't
support prefill property.
exampleMust match type property.NoSample value of this field
for the Actor to be displayed when
Actor is published in Apify Store.
sectionCaptionStringNoIf this property is set,
then all fields following this field
(this field included) will be separated
into a collapsible section
with the value set as its caption.
The section ends at the last field
or the next field which has the
sectionCaption property set.
sectionDescriptionStringNoIf the sectionCaption property is set,
then you can use this property to
provide additional description to the section.
The description will be visible right under
the caption when the section is open.

Prefill vs. default vs. required

Here is a rule of thumb for whether an input field should have a prefill, default, or be required:

  • Prefill - Use for fields that don't have a reasonable default. The provided value is prefilled for the user to show them an example of using the field and to make it easy to test the Actor (e.g., search keyword, start URLs). In other words, this field is only used in the user interface but does not affect the Actor functionality and API.
  • Required - Use for fields that don't have a reasonable default and MUST be entered by the user (e.g., API token, password).
  • Default - Use for fields that MUST be set for the Actor run to some value, but where you don't need the user to change the default behavior (e.g., max pages to crawl, proxy settings). If the user omits the value when starting the Actor via any means (API, CLI, scheduler, or user interface), the platform automatically passes the Actor this default value.
  • No particular setting - Use for purely optional fields where it makes no sense to prefill any value (e.g., flags like debug mode or download files).

In summary, you can use each option independently or use a combination of Prefill + Required, but the combinations Prefill + Default or Default + Required don't make sense to use.

Additional properties

Most types also support additional properties defining, for example, the UI input editor.


Example of a code input:

"title": "Page function",
"type": "string",
"description": "Function executed for each request",
"editor": "javascript",
"prefill": "async () => { return $('title').text(); }"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema page function

Example of country selection using a select input:

"title": "Country",
"type": "string",
"description": "Select your country",
"editor": "select",
"default": "us",
"enum": ["us", "de", "fr"],
"enumTitles": ["USA", "Germany", "France"]

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema - country input


editorOne of
  • textfield
  • textarea
  • javascript
  • python
  • select
  • datepicker
  • hidden
YesVisual editor used for
the input field.
patternStringNoRegular expression that will be
used to validate the input.
If validation fails,
the Actor will not run.
minLengthIntegerNoMinimum length of the string.
maxLengthIntegerNoMaximum length of the string.
enum[String]Required if
is select
Using this field, you can limit values
to the given array of strings.
Input will be displayed as select box.
enumTitles[String]NoTitles for the enum keys described.
nullableBooleanNoSpecifies whether null
is an allowed value.
isSecretBooleanNoSpecifies whether the input field
will be stored encrypted.
Only available
with textfield and textarea editors.
Regex escape

When using escape characters \ for the regular expression in the pattern field, be sure to escape them to avoid invalid JSON issues. For example, the regular expression https:\/\/(www\.)?apify\.com\/.+ would become https:\\/\\/(www\\.)?apify\\.com\\/.+.


Example options with group caption:

"verboseLog": {
"title": "Verbose log",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "Debug messages will be included in the log.",
"default": true,
"groupCaption": "Options",
"groupDescription": "Various options for this Actor"
"lightspeed": {
"title": "Lightspeed",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "If checked then actors runs at the
speed of light.",
"prefill": true

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema options


editorOne of
  • checkbox
  • hidden
NoVisual editor used for the input field.
groupCaptionStringNoIf you want to group
multiple checkboxes together,
add this option to the first
of the group.
groupDescriptionStringNoDescription displayed as help text
displayed of group title.
nullableBooleanNoSpecifies whether null is
an allowed value.



"title": "Memory",
"type": "integer",
"description": "Select memory in megabytes",
"default": 64,
"maximum": 1024,
"unit": "MB"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema memory


editorOne of:
  • number
  • hidden
NoVisual editor used for input field.
maximumIntegerNoMaximum allowed value.
minimumIntegerNoMinimum allowed value.
unitStringNoUnit displayed next to the field in UI,
for example second, MB, etc.
nullableBooleanNoSpecifies whether null is an allowed value.


Example of proxy configuration:

"title": "Proxy configuration",
"type": "object",
"description": "Select proxies to be used by your crawler.",
"prefill": { "useApifyProxy": true },
"editor": "proxy"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema proxy

The object where the proxy configuration is stored has the following structure:

// Indicates whether Apify Proxy was selected.
"useApifyProxy": Boolean,

// Array of Apify Proxy groups. Is missing or null if
// Apify Proxy's automatic mode was selected
// or if proxies are not used.
"apifyProxyGroups": String[],

// Array of custom proxy URLs.
// Is missing or null if custom proxies were not used.
"proxyUrls": String[],

Example of a blackbox object:

"title": "User object",
"type": "object",
"description": "Enter object representing user",
"prefill": {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""
"editor": "json"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema user object


editorOne of
  • json
  • proxy
  • hidden
YesUI editor used for input.
patternKeyStringNoRegular expression that will be used
to validate the keys of the object.
patternValueStringNoRegular expression that will be used
to validate the values of object.
maxPropertiesIntegerNoMaximum number of properties
the object can have.
minPropertiesIntegerNoMinimum number of properties
the object can have.
nullableBooleanNoSpecifies whether null is
an allowed value.


Example of request list sources configuration:

"title": "Start URLs",
"type": "array",
"description": "URLs to start with",
"prefill": [{ "url": "" }],
"editor": "requestListSources"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema start urls array

Example of an array:

"title": "Colors",
"type": "array",
"description": "Enter colors you know",
"prefill": ["Red", "White"],
"editor": "json"

Rendered input:

Apify Actor input schema colors array


editorOne of
  • json
  • requestListSources
  • pseudoUrls
  • globs
  • keyValue
  • stringList
  • select
  • hidden
YesUI editor used for input.
placeholderKeyStringNoPlaceholder displayed for
key field when no value is specified.
Works only with keyValue editor.
placeholderValueStringNoPlaceholder displayed in value field
when no value is provided.
Works only with keyValue and
stringList editors.
patternKeyStringNoRegular expression that
will be used to validate
the keys of items in the array.
Works only with keyValue
patternValueStringNoRegular expression that
will be used to validate the values
of items in the array.
Works only with keyValue and
stringList editors.
maxItemsIntegerNoMaximum number of items
the array can contain.
minItemsIntegerNoMinimum number of items
the array can contain.
uniqueItemsBooleanNoSpecifies whether the array
should contain only unique values.
nullableBooleanNoSpecifies whether null is
an allowed value.
itemsobjectNoSpecifies format of the items of the array, useful mainly for multiselect (see below)

Usage of this field is based on the selected editor:

  • requestListSources - value from this field can be used as input for the RequestList class from Crawlee.
  • pseudoUrls - is intended to be used with a combination of the PseudoUrl class and the enqueueLinks() function from Crawlee.

Editor type requestListSources supports input in formats defined by the sources property of RequestListOptions.

Editor type globs maps to the Crawlee's GlobInput used by the UrlPatterObject.

Editor type select allows the user to pick items from a select, providing multiple choices. Please check this example of how to define the multiselect field:

"title": "Multiselect field",
"description": "My multiselect field",
"type": "array",
"editor": "select",
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["value1", "value2", "value3"],
"enumTitles": ["Label of value1", "Label of value2", "Label of value3"]

To correctly define options for multiselect, you need to define the items property and then provide values and (optionally) labels in enum and enumTitles properties.