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Async sub-client for manipulating Actor versions.





  • async create(*, version_number, build_tag, env_vars, apply_env_vars_to_build, source_type, source_files, git_repo_url, tarball_url, github_gist_url): dict

  • Parameters

    • keyword-onlyversion_number: str

      Major and minor version of the Actor (e.g. 1.0).

    • optionalkeyword-onlybuild_tag: str | None = None

      Tag that is automatically set to the latest successful build of the current version.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyenv_vars: list[dict] | None = None

      Environment variables that will be available to the Actor run process, and optionally also to the build process. See the API docs for their exact structure.

    • optionalkeyword-onlyapply_env_vars_to_build: bool | None = None

      Whether the environment variables specified for the Actor run will also be set to the Actor build process.

    • keyword-onlysource_type: ActorSourceType

      What source type is the Actor version using.

    • optionalkeyword-onlysource_files: list[dict] | None = None

      Source code comprised of multiple files, each an item of the array. Required when source_type is ActorSourceType.SOURCE_FILES. See the API docs for the exact structure.

    • optionalkeyword-onlygit_repo_url: str | None = None

      The URL of a Git repository from which the source code will be cloned. Required when source_type is ActorSourceType.GIT_REPO.

    • optionalkeyword-onlytarball_url: str | None = None

      The URL of a tarball or a zip archive from which the source code will be downloaded. Required when source_type is ActorSourceType.TARBALL.

    • optionalkeyword-onlygithub_gist_url: str | None = None

      The URL of a GitHub Gist from which the source will be downloaded. Required when source_type is ActorSourceType.GITHUB_GIST.

    Returns dict


  • async list(): ListPage[dict]
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