Create a new Actor.
keyword-onlyname: str
The name of the Actor.
optionalkeyword-onlytitle: str | None = None
The title of the Actor (human-readable).
optionalkeyword-onlydescription: str | None = None
The description for the Actor.
optionalkeyword-onlyseo_title: str | None = None
The title of the Actor optimized for search engines.
optionalkeyword-onlyseo_description: str | None = None
The description of the Actor optimized for search engines.
optionalkeyword-onlyversions: list[dict] | None = None
The list of Actor versions.
optionalkeyword-onlyrestart_on_error: bool | None = None
If true, the main Actor run process will be restarted whenever it exits with a non-zero status code.
optionalkeyword-onlyis_public: bool | None = None
Whether the Actor is public.
optionalkeyword-onlyis_deprecated: bool | None = None
Whether the Actor is deprecated.
optionalkeyword-onlyis_anonymously_runnable: bool | None = None
Whether the Actor is anonymously runnable.
optionalkeyword-onlycategories: list[str] | None = None
The categories to which the Actor belongs to.
optionalkeyword-onlydefault_run_build: str | None = None
Tag or number of the build that you want to run by default.
optionalkeyword-onlydefault_run_max_items: int | None = None
Default limit of the number of results that will be returned by runs of this Actor, if the Actor is charged per result.
optionalkeyword-onlydefault_run_memory_mbytes: int | None = None
Default amount of memory allocated for the runs of this Actor, in megabytes.
optionalkeyword-onlydefault_run_timeout_secs: int | None = None
Default timeout for the runs of this Actor in seconds.
optionalkeyword-onlyexample_run_input_body: Any = None
Input to be prefilled as default input to new users of this Actor.
optionalkeyword-onlyexample_run_input_content_type: str | None = None
The content type of the example run input.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_is_enabled: bool | None = None
Whether the Actor Standby is enabled.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_desired_requests_per_actor_run: int | None = None
The desired number of concurrent HTTP requests for a single Actor Standby run.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_max_requests_per_actor_run: int | None = None
The maximum number of concurrent HTTP requests for a single Actor Standby run.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_idle_timeout_secs: int | None = None
If the Actor run does not receive any requests for this time, it will be shut down.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_build: str | None = None
The build tag or number to run when the Actor is in Standby mode.
optionalkeyword-onlyactor_standby_memory_mbytes: int | None = None
The memory in megabytes to use when the Actor is in Standby mode.
Returns dict
List the Actors the user has created or used.
optionalkeyword-onlymy: bool | None = None
If True, will return only Actors which the user has created themselves.
optionalkeyword-onlylimit: int | None = None
How many Actors to list.
optionalkeyword-onlyoffset: int | None = None
What Actor to include as first when retrieving the list.
optionalkeyword-onlydesc: bool | None = None
Whether to sort the Actors in descending order based on their creation date.
Returns ListPage[dict]
Sub-client for manipulating Actors.