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Manage tasks for reusable input

When you need to run multiple inputs with the same Actor, the most convenient approach is to create multiple tasks, each with different input configurations. Task inputs are stored on the Apify platform when the task is created, allowing you to reuse them easily.

The following example demonstrates how to create tasks for the apify/instagram-hashtag-scraper Actor with different inputs, manage task clients, and execute them asynchronously:

import asyncio

from apify_client import ApifyClientAsync
from apify_client.clients.resource_clients import TaskClientAsync

HASHTAGS = ['zebra', 'lion', 'hippo']

async def run_apify_task(client: TaskClientAsync) -> dict:
result = await
return result or {}

async def main() -> None:
apify_client = ApifyClientAsync(token=TOKEN)

# Create Apify tasks
apify_tasks = list[dict]()
apify_tasks_client = apify_client.tasks()

for hashtag in HASHTAGS:
apify_task = await apify_tasks_client.create(
task_input={'hashtags': [hashtag], 'resultsLimit': 20},

print('Tasks created:', apify_tasks)

# Create Apify task clients
apify_task_clients = list[TaskClientAsync]()

for apify_task in apify_tasks:
task_id = apify_task['id']
apify_task_client = apify_client.task(task_id)

print('Task clients created:', apify_task_clients)

# Execute Apify tasks
run_apify_tasks = [run_apify_task(client) for client in apify_task_clients]
task_run_results = await asyncio.gather(*run_apify_tasks)

print('Task results:', task_run_results)

if __name__ == '__main__':