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The library logs useful debug information to the apify_client logger whenever it sends requests to the Apify API. You can configure this logger to print debug information to the standard output by adding a handler:

import logging

# Configure the Apify client logger
apify_client_logger = logging.getLogger('apify_client')

The log records include additional properties, provided via the extra argument, which can be helpful for debugging. Some of these properties are:

  • attempt - Number of retry attempts for the request.
  • status_code - HTTP status code of the response.
  • url - URL of the API endpoint being called.
  • client_method - Method name of the client that initiated the request.
  • resource_id - Identifier of the resource being accessed.

To display these additional properties in the log output, you need to use a custom log formatter. Here's a basic example:

import logging

# Configure the Apify client logger
apify_client_logger = logging.getLogger('apify_client')

# Create a custom logging formatter
formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s - '
'%(attempt)s - %(status_code)s - %(url)s'
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

For more information on creating and using custom log formatters, refer to the official Python logging documentation.