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Learn the Apify platform's resource capability and limitations such as max memory, disk size and number of Actors and tasks per user.

The tables below demonstrate the Apify platform's default resource limits. For API limits such as rate limits and max payload size, see the API documentation.

If needed, the limits shown below can be increased on paid accounts. For details, contact us at or using the chat in Apify Console under the "Help & Resources → Contact Support".

Actor runtime limits

DescriptionLimit for plan
Build memory size4,096 MB
Run minimum memory128 MB128 MB
Run maximum memory4,096 MB32,768 MB
Maximum combined memory of all running jobs4,096 MB32,768 MB131,072 MB
Build timeout1800 secs
Build/run disk size2× job memory limit
Memory per CPU core4,096 MB
Maximum log size10,485,760 characters
Maximum number of metamorphs10 metamorphs per run

Apify platform limits

DescriptionLimit for plan
Maximum number of dataset columns for tabular formats (XLSX, CSV, ...)2000 columns
Maximum size of Actor input schema500 kB
Maximum number of Actors per user100
Maximum number of tasks per user1000
Maximum number of schedules per user100
Maximum number of webhooks per user100
Maximum number of Actors per schedule10
Maximum number of tasks per schedule10
Maximum number of concurrent Actor runs per user 2532128256

Usage limit

The Apify platform also introduces usage limits based on the billing plan to protect users from accidental overspending. To learn more about usage limits, head over to the Limits section of our docs.

View these limits and adjust your maximum usage limit in Apify Console: