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Setting up your project

Create a new project with npm and Node.js. Install necessary libraries, and test that everything works before starting the next lesson.

When you open a website in a browser, the browser first downloads the page's HTML. To do the same thing with Node.js, we will install a program - an npm module - to help us with it. npm modules are installed using npm, which is another program, automatically installed with Node.js.

The registry offers a huge collection of open-source libraries for Node.js. You can (and you should) utilize it to save time and tap into the amazing open-source community around JavaScript and Node.js.

Creating a new project with npm

Before we can install npm modules, we need to create an npm project. To do that, you can create a new directory or use the one that you already have open in VSCode (you can delete the hello.js file now) and from that directory run this command in your terminal:

npm init -y

It will set up an empty npm project for you and create a file called package.json. This is a very important file in Node.js programming as it contains information about the project.

npm init with VSCode

Use modern JavaScript

Node.js and npm support two types of projects, let's call them legacy and modern. For backwards compatibility, the legacy version is used by default. To switch to the modern version, open your package.json and add this line to the end of the JSON object. Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the previous line 😉

"type": "module"

Update package.json with VSCode

More recent versions of npm might already have "type": "commonjs", pre-defined; if so, simply replace commonjs with module.

If you want to learn more about JSON and its syntax, we recommend this tutorial on MDN.

Installing necessary libraries

Now that we have a project set up, we can install npm modules into the project. Let's install libraries that will help us with downloading and processing websites' HTML. In the project directory, run the following command, which will install two libraries into your project. got-scraping and Cheerio.

npm install got-scraping cheerio

got-scraping is a library that's made especially for scraping and downloading page's HTML. It's based on the popular got library, which means any features of got are also available in got-scraping. Both got and got-scraping are HTTP clients. To learn more about HTTP, visit this MDN tutorial.

Cheerio is a popular Node.js library for parsing and processing HTML. If you know how to work with jQuery, you'll find Cheerio familiar.

Test everything

With the libraries installed, create a new file in the project's folder called main.js. This is where we will put all our code. Before we start scraping, though, let's do a check that everything was installed correctly. Add this piece of code inside main.js.

import { gotScraping } from 'got-scraping';
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio';

console.log('it works!');

Those import statements tell Node.js that it should give you access to the got-scraping library under the gotScraping variable and the Cheerio library under the cheerio variable.

Now run this command in your terminal:

node main.js

If you see it works! printed in your terminal, great job! You set up everything correctly. If you see an error that says Cannot use import statement outside a module, go back to the Use modern JavaScript paragraph and add the type property to your package.json. If you see a different error, try copying and pasting it into Google, and you'll find a solution soon.

Test your setup with VSCode

Next up

With the project set up, the next lesson will show you how to use got-scraping to download the website's HTML and extract data from it with Cheerio.