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Before you build your first web scraper with Crawlee, it is important to understand the concept of modularity in programming.

Now that we've gotten our first request going, the first challenge is going to be selecting all of the resulting products on the page. Back in the browser, we'll use the DevTools hover tool to inspect a product.

Result products

Bingo! Each product seems to have a data-asin attribute, which includes the ASIN (product ID) data we want. Now, we can select each of these elements with this selector: div > div[data-asin]:not([data-asin=""]). Then, we'll scrape some data about each product, and push a request to the main product page so we can grab hold of the description.

But, before we start scraping, let's pause to talk a bit about the important concept of modularity. You may have noticed the src folder inside of your project, which by default has a routes.js file in it. We're going to use this to create modularized functions which can then be conditionally executed by our crawler.

// routes.js
import { createCheerioRouter } from 'crawlee';
import { BASE_URL } from './constants.js';

export const router = createCheerioRouter();

router.addDefaultHandler(({ log }) => {'Route reached.');

// Add a handler to our router to handle requests with the 'START' label
router.addHandler('START', async ({ $, crawler, request }) => {
const { keyword } = request.userData;

const products = $('div > div[data-asin]:not([data-asin=""])');

// loop through the resulting products
for (const product of products) {
const element = $(product);
const titleElement = $(element.find('.a-text-normal[href]'));

const url = `${BASE_URL}${titleElement.attr('href')}`;

// scrape some data from each and to a request
// to the crawler for its page
await crawler.addRequests([{
label: 'PRODUCT',
userData: {
// Pass the scraped data about the product to the next
// request so that it can be used there
data: {
title: titleElement.first().text().trim(),
asin: element.attr('data-asin'),
itemUrl: url,

router.addHandler('PRODUCT', ({ log }) =>'on a product page!'));

Also notice that we are importing BASE_URL from constants.js. Here is what that file looks like:

// constants.js
export const BASE_URL = '';

And here is what our main.js file currently looks like:

// main.js
import { CheerioCrawler, log, KeyValueStore } from 'crawlee';
import { router } from './routes.js';
import { BASE_URL } from './constants.js';

const { keyword = 'iphone' } = (await KeyValueStore.getInput()) ?? {};

const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
requestHandler: router,

await crawler.addRequests([
// Use BASE_URL here instead
url: `${BASE_URL}/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=${keyword}`,
label: 'START',
userData: {
]);'Starting the crawl.');
await;'Crawl finished.');

One of the main reasons we modularize our code is to prevent massive and difficult to read files by separating concerns into separate files. In our main.js file, we're handling the initialization, configuration, and running of our crawler. In routes.js, we determine how the crawler should handle different routes, and in constants.js we define non-changing values that will be used throughout the project.

Organized code makes everyone happy, including you - the one developing the scraper! Spaghetti is super awesome, but not when it comes to programming 🍝

This can even be optimized further by putting our label items into constants.js, like so:

// constants.js
export const BASE_URL = '';

export const labels = {

Then, the labels can be used by importing labels and accessing labels.START, labels.PRODUCT, or labels.OFFERS.

This is not necessary, but it is best practice, as it can prevent dumb typos that can cause nasty bugs 🐞 For the rest of this lesson, all of the examples using labels will be using the imported versions.

If you haven't already read the Best practices lesson in the Web scraping for beginners course, please give it a read.

Next up

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, we can finally continue with our Amazon scraper. Let's do it!