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Sometimes you need to process the same URL several times, but each time with a different setup. For example, you may want to submit the same form with different data each time.

Let's illustrate a solution to this problem by creating a scraper which starts with an array of keywords and inputs each of them to Google, one by one. Then it retrieves the results.

This isn't an efficient solution to searching keywords on Google. You could directly enqueue search URLs like

Enqueuing start pages for all keywords

Solving a common problem with scraper automatically deduplicating the same URLs.

First, we need to start the scraper on the page from which we're going to do our enqueuing. To do that, we create one start URL with the label "enqueue" and URL "". Now we can proceed to enqueue all the pages. The first part of our pageFunction will look like this:

async function pageFunction(context) {
const $ = context.jQuery;

if (context.request.userData.label === 'enqueue') {
// parse input keywords
const keywords = context.customData;

// process all the keywords
for (const keyword of keywords) {
// enqueue the page and pass the keyword in
// the interceptRequestData attribute
await context.enqueueRequest({
url: '',
uniqueKey: `${Math.random()}`,
userData: {
label: 'fill-form',
// No return here because we don't extract any data yet

To set the keywords, we're using the customData scraper parameter. This is useful for smaller data sets, but may not be perfect for bigger ones. For such cases you may want to use something like Importing a list of URLs from an external source.

Since we're enqueuing the same page more than once, we need to set our own uniqueKey so the page will be added to the queue (by default uniqueKey is set to be the same as the URL). The label for the next page will be "fill-form". We're passing the keyword to the next page in the userData field (this can contain any data).

Inputting the keyword into Google

Now we come to the next page (Google). We need to retrieve the keyword and input it into the Google search bar. This will be the next part of the pageFunction:

async function pageFunction(context) {
const $ = context.jQuery;

if (context.request.userData.label === 'enqueue') {
// copy from the previous part
} else if (context.request.userData.label === 'fill-form') {
// retrieve the keyword
const { keyword } = context.request.userData;

// input the keyword into the search bar

// submit the form

For the next page to correctly enqueue, we're going to need a new pseudoURL. Create a pseudoURL with the label "result" and the URL[.+].

Now we're on the last page and can finally extract the results.

async function pageFunction(context) {
const $ = context.jQuery;

if (context.request.userData.label === 'enqueue') {
// copy from the previous part
} else if (context.request.userData.label === 'result') {
// create result array
const result = [];

// process all the results
$('.rc').each((index, elem) => {

// wrap element in jQuery
const gResult = $(elem);

// lookup link and text
const link = gResult.find('.r a');
const text = gResult.find('.s .st');

// extract data and add it to result array
name: link.text(),
link: link.attr('href'),
text: text.text(),
// Now we finally return

return result;

To test the scraper, set the customData to something like this ["apple", "orange", "banana"] and push the Run button to start.