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Understand how to write a Dockerfile (Docker image blueprint) for your project so that it can be run within a Docker container on the Apify platform.

The Dockerfile is a file which gives the Apify platform (or Docker, more specifically) instructions on how to create an environment for your code to run in. Every Actor must have a Dockerfile, as Actors run in Docker containers.

Actors on the platform are always run in Docker containers; however, they can also be run in local Docker containers. This is not common practice though, as it requires more setup and a deeper understanding of Docker. For testing, it's best to just run the Actor on the local OS (this requires you to have the underlying runtime installed, such as Node.js, Python, Rust, GO, etc).

Base images

If your project doesn’t already contain a Dockerfile, don’t worry! Apify offers many base images that are optimized for building and running Actors on the platform, which can be found here. When using a language for which Apify doesn't provide a base image, Docker Hub provides a ton of free Docker images for most use-cases, upon which you can create your own images.

Tip: You can see all of Apify's Docker images on DockerHub.

At the base level, each Docker image contains a base operating system and usually also a programming language runtime (such as Node.js or Python). You can also find images with preinstalled libraries or just install them yourself during the build step.

Once you find the base image you need, you can add it as the initial FROM statement:

FROM apify/actor-node:16

For syntax highlighting in your Dockerfiles, download the Docker VSCode extension.

Writing the file

The rest of the Dockerfile is about copying the source code from the local filesystem into the container's filesystem, installing libraries, and setting the RUN command (which falls back to the parent image).

If you are not using a base image from Apify, then you should specify how to launch the source code of your Actor with the CMD instruction.

Here's the Dockerfile for our Node.js example project's Actor:

FROM apify/actor-node:16

# Second, copy just package.json and package-lock.json since they are the only files
# that affect npm install in the next step
COPY package*.json ./

# Install npm packages, skip optional and development dependencies to keep the
# image small. Avoid logging too much and print the dependency tree for debugging
RUN npm --quiet set progress=false \
&& npm install --only=prod --no-optional \
&& echo "Installed npm packages:" \
&& (npm list --all || true) \
&& echo "Node.js version:" \
&& node --version \
&& echo "npm version:" \
&& npm --version

# Next, copy the remaining files and directories with the source code.
# Since we do this after npm install, quick build will be really fast
# for simple source file changes.
COPY . ./


The examples we just showed were for Node.js and Python, however, to drive home the fact that Actors can be written in any language, here are some examples of some Dockerfiles for Actors written in different programming languages:

FROM golang:1.17.1-alpine

COPY . .

RUN go mod download

RUN go build -o /example-actor
CMD ["/example-actor"]

Next up

In the next lesson, we'll push our code directly to the Apify platform, or create and integrate a new Actor on the Apify platform with our project's GitHub repository.