Handling pagination
Learn about the three most popular API pagination techniques and how to handle each of them when scraping an API with pagination.
When scraping large APIs, you'll quickly realize that most APIs limit the number of results it responds back with. For some APIs, the max number of results is 5, while for others it's 2000. Either way, they all have something in common - pagination.
If you've never dealt with it before, trying to scrape thousands to hundreds of thousands of items from an API with pagination can be a bit challenging. In this lesson, we'll be discussing a few of the different types of pagination, as well as how to work with them.
Page-number pagination
The most common and rudimentary forms of pagination have page numbers. Imagine paginating through a typical e-commerce website.
This implementation makes it fairly straightforward to programmatically paginate through an API, as it pretty much entails incrementing up or down in order to receive the next set of items. The page number is usually provided right in the parameters of the request URL; however, some APIs require it to be provided in the request body instead.
Offset pagination
The second most popular pagination technique used is based on using a limit parameter along with an offset parameter. The limit says how many records should be returned in a single request, while the offset parameter says how many records should be skipped.
For example, let's say that we have this dataset and an API route to retrieve its items:
const myAwesomeDataset = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15];
If we were to make a request with the limit set to 5 and the offset parameter also set to 5, the API would skip over the first five items and return [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Cursor pagination
Becoming more and more common is cursor-based pagination. Like with offset-based pagination, a limit parameter is usually present; however, instead of offset, cursor is used instead. A cursor is just a marker (sometimes a token, a date, or just a number) for an item in the dataset. All results returned back from the API will be records that come after the item matching the cursor parameter provided.
One of the most painful things about scraping APIs with cursor pagination is that you can't skip to, for example, the 5th page. You have to paginate through each page one by one.
Note: SoundCloud migrated over to using cursor-based pagination; however, they did not change the parameter name from offset to cursor. Always be on the lookout for this type of stuff!
Using "next page"
In a minute, we're going to create a mini-project which will scrape the first 100 of Tiësto's tracks by keeping a limit of 20 and paginating through until we've scraped 100 items.
Luckily for us, SoundCloud's API (and many others) provides a next_href property in each response, which means we don't have to directly deal with setting the offset (cursor) parameter:
"next_href": "https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/users/141707/tracks?offset=2020-03-13T00%3A00%3A00.000Z%2Ctracks%2C00774168919&limit=20&representation=https%3A%2F%2Fapi-v2.soundcloud.com%2Fusers%2F141707%2Ftracks%3Flimit%3D20",
"query_urn": null
This URL can take various different forms, and can be given different names; however, they all generally do the same thing - bring you to the next page of results.
Mini project
First, create a new folder called pagination-tutorial and run this command inside of it:
# initialize the project and install the puppeteer
# and got-scraping packages
npm init -y && npm i puppeteer got-scraping
Now, make a new file called scrapeClientId, copying the client_id scraping code from the previous lesson and making a slight modification:
// scrapeClientId.js
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
// export the function to be used in a different file
export const scrapeClientId = async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true });
const page = await browser.newPage();
let clientId = null;
page.on('response', async (res) => {
const id = new URL(res.url()).searchParams.get('client_id') ?? null;
if (id) clientId = id;
await page.goto('https://soundcloud.com/tiesto/tracks');
await page.waitForSelector('.profileHeader__link');
await browser.close();
// return the client_id
return clientId;
Now, in a new file called index.js we'll write the skeleton for our pagination and item-scraping code:
// index.js
// we will need gotScraping to make HTTP requests
import { gotScraping } from 'got-scraping';
import { scrapeClientId } from './scrapeClientId';
const scrape100Items = async () => {
// the initial request URL
const nextHref = 'https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/users/141707/tracks?limit=20&offset=0';
// create an array for all of our scraped items to live
const items = [];
// scrape the client ID with the script from the
// previous lesson
const clientId = await scrapeClientId();
// More code will go here
Let's now take a step back and think about the condition on which we should continue paginating:
- If the API responds with a next_href set to null, that means that there are no more pages, and that we have scraped all of the possible items and we should stop paginating.
- If our items list has 100 records or more, we should stop paginating. Otherwise, we should continue until 100+ items has been reached.
With a full understanding of this condition, we can translate it into code:
const scrape100Items = async () => {
// ...previous code
// continue making requests until either we've reached 100+ items
while (items.flat().length < 100) {
// if the "next_href" wasn't present in the last call, there
// are no more pages. return what we have and stop paginating.
if (!nextHref) return items.flat();
// continue paginating
All that's left to do now is flesh out this while
loop with pagination logic and finally return the items array once the loop has finished.
Note that it's better to add requests to a requests queue rather than processing them in memory. The crawlers offered by Crawlee provide this functionality out of the box.
// index.js
import { gotScraping } from 'got-scraping';
import { scrapeClientId } from './scrapeClientId';
const scrape100Items = async () => {
let nextHref = 'https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/users/141707/tracks?limit=20&offset=0';
const items = [];
const clientId = await scrapeClientId();
while (items.flat().length < 100) {
if (!nextHref) return items.flat();
// set the "client_id" URL parameter of the
// nextHref URL
const nextURL = new URL(nextHref);
nextURL.searchParams.set('client_id', clientId);
// make the paginated request and push its results
// into the in-memory "items" array
const res = await gotScraping(nextURL);
const json = JSON.parse(res.body);
// queue the next link for the next loop iteration
nextHref = json.next_href;
// return an array of all our scraped items
// once the loop has finished
return items.flat();
// test run
(async () => {
// run the function
const data = await scrape100Items();
// log the length of the items array
We are using the
method when returning the items array to turn our array of arrays into a single array of items.
Here's what the output of this code looks like:
Final note
Sometimes, APIs have limited pagination. That means that they limit the total number of results that can appear for a set of pages, or that they limit the pages to a certain number. To learn how to handle these cases, take a look at this short article.
Next up
This is the last lesson in the API scraping tutorial for now, but be on the lookout for more lessons soon to come! Thus far, you've learned how to:
- Locate API endpoints
- Understand located API endpoints and their parameters
- Parse and modify cookies
- Modify/set headers
- Farm API tokens using Puppeteer
- Use paginated APIs
If you'd still like to read more about API scraping, check out the GraphQL scraping course! GraphQL is the king of API scraping.