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Learn about rate-limiting, a common tactic used by websites to avoid a large and non-human rate of requests coming from a single IP address.

When crawling a website, a web scraping bot will typically send many more requests from a single IP address than a human user could generate over the same period. Websites can easily monitor how many requests they receive from a single IP address, and block it or require a captcha test to continue making requests.

In the past, most websites had their own anti-scraping solutions, the most common of which was IP address rate-limiting. In recent years, the popularity of third-party specialized anti-scraping providers has dramatically increased, but a lot of websites still use rate-limiting to only allow a certain number of requests per second/minute/hour to be sent from a single IP; therefore, crawler requests have the potential of being blocked entirely quite quickly.

In cases when a higher number of requests is expected for the crawler, using a proxy and rotating the IPs is essential to let the crawler run as smoothly as possible and avoid being blocked.

Dealing rate limiting with proxy/session rotating

The most popular and effective way of avoiding rate-limiting issues is by rotating proxies after every n number of requests, which makes your scraper appear as if it is making requests from various different places. Since the majority of rate-limiting solutions are based on IP addresses, rotating IPs allows a scraper to make large amounts to a website without getting restricted.

In Crawlee, proxies are automatically rotated for you when you use ProxyConfiguration and a SessionPool within a crawler. The SessionPool handles a lot of the nitty gritty of proxy rotating, especially with browser based crawlers by retiring a browser instance after a certain number of requests have been sent from it in order to use a new proxy (a browser instance must be retired in order to use a new proxy).

Here is an example of these features being used in a PuppeteerCrawler instance:

import { PuppeteerCrawler } from 'crawlee';
import { Actor } from 'apify';

const myCrawler = new PuppeteerCrawler({
proxyConfiguration: await Actor.createProxyConfiguration({
groups: ['RESIDENTIAL'],
sessionPoolOptions: {
// Note that a proxy is tied to a session
sessionOptions: {
// Let's say the website starts blocking requests after
// 20 requests have been sent in the span of 1 minute from
// a single user.
// We can stay on the safe side and retire the browser
// and rotate proxies after 15 pages (requests) have been opened.
maxUsageCount: 15,
// ...

Take a look at the Using proxies lesson to learn more about how to use proxies and rotate them in Crawlee.

Configuring a session pool

To set up the SessionPool for different rate-limiting scenarios, you can use various configuration options in sessionPoolOptions. In the example above, we used maxUsageCount within sessionOptions to prevent more than 15 requests from being sent using a session before it was thrown away; however, a maximum age can also be set using maxAgeSecs.

When dealing with frequent and unpredictable blockage, the maxErrorScore option can be set to trash a session after it's hit a certain number of errors.

To learn more about all configurations available in sessionPoolOptions, refer to the Crawlee documentation.

Don't worry too much about these configurations. Crawlee's defaults are usually good enough for the majority of use cases.

Next up

Though rate limiting is still common today, a lot of sites have improved over the years to use more complicated techniques such as browser fingerprinting, which is covered in the next lesson.